Winter Warmers to enjoy this January

Winter Warmers to enjoy this January

All this cold weather calls for one thing, comfort food!
There's nothing that quite compares to cooking in a warm kitchen whilst dinner bubbles away on the stove. So with that in mind, we thought we'd share a few of the delicious, seasonal recipes which are getting us through this month.

The Savoy and January King are two of our favourite homegrown winter cabbages. We've just discovered a delicious recipe for Creamy Lemon Savoy Cabbage Pasta with a garlic crumb which makes a healthy and hearty mid-week dinner.

Or if you're looking for a special recipe to try this week then why not try this recipe for Sirloin Steak with mushroom puff tartlets. They're similar to a Beef Wellington but the result is much lighter with crisper pastry.

If all else fails, nothing beats a homemade pie. Take a look at the video below for one of our favourite chicken pie recipes, which we've tried and tested at home. It's sure to become a firm family favourite.

We love hearing how you cook with our delicious homegrown vegetables, so if there's a recipe you would love to share please do email it through and we might even make it into a recipe card for everyone to try!